Ivory Ella


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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Ivory Ella is on a mission. The online store sells several products with proceeds going towards  Save the Elephants, an organization focusing in elephant conservation. The store includes shirts, jewelry, and other accessories such as water bottles and phone cases. All products have vibrant colors and are designed with the unique company logo of an elephant. So far, they have been able to donate over $135,000 to the cause!

How to Help

There’s a lot of things that you can do to help the cause. It all depends on how much time  and resources you have to offer. Here are some ways that you can help!

Build Awareness: The most simple and easiest thing nepal-787735_1280to do is build awareness. Many people aren’t aware of the extent of the animal poaching issue.  A simple tweet, Facebook post, picture, etc., can spark curiosity and spread the word. The more people know about it, the more officials are inclined to create laws and stop it. Everyone has seen how fast things go viral on social media. It could easily happen with animal poaching.

Donate: Another easy way to help is giving a donation. donate-654328_1280Any amount of donation can go a long way.  A few dollars a month can turn into a patrol car, fence for reserves, or even an animal’s life. Instead of buying Starbucks weekly, skip a day and donate. Another easy idea would be to have a change jar. At the end of the day, if any, put the change from your pocket and put it into the jar. When it is full, take the money and donate! No one likes loose change anyway!  A slight change in your daily routine could mean the life of another.

Hold a Fundraiser: If you have more time on your hands, holding a fundraiser is a great way; to build awareness and get donations simultaneously. Creating a fundraiser sounds intimidating, but it’s a lot easier than you may think. Any event can become a fundraiser. Holding a birthday party? Have everyone give a donation instead of a gift (you don’t need anymore ties, mugs, or  sweaters). You may also be able to hold an official fundraiser for your favorite wildlife organization. Many organizations allow you to get involved and hold events to raise money. If not, email them and ask, I’m sure they would love the help!

Everyone has an issue they are passionate about, but very few people actually act on it. If it is for animal poaching, cancer, poverty, or any other issue, I encourage you to help. The following quote is one of my favorite, showing that any act no matter how small can change the world.

“In a gentle way you can shake the world” – Gandhi.

Have a different way that you helped? Let us know!